WHERE: National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine’sArnold and Mabel Beckman Center100 Academy Drive, Irvine, CA 92617 WHEN: August 31 – September 2, 2020 Conference Overview and Scope Utopia or dystopia? Transportation technologies (e.g., connected and automated vehicles) and new approaches to mobility (e.g., shared services) are advancing so fast that it can be difficult [more]
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Total Results: 7
TRB 2015 – ADD40’s Calls for Papers
The ADD40 committee has just released two Calls for Papers for the 2015 TRB Annual Meeting in Washington, D.C. Paper submission is open from June 1 to August 1. All the papers submitted in response to these calls will be reviewed by ADD40’s members and friends and used to shape the sessions the committee sponsors at the upcoming Annual Meeting. [more]
See the full pageWe are delighted to have Dr. Monica Starnes, Senior Program Officer at TRB serve as our new TRB staff representative. As many of you know, our committee’s longtime representative (Martine Micozzi) had left TRB for other opportunities earlier this year. We look forward to working closely with Monica on all our committee activities.
See the full pageAs a quick update – due to scheduling issues for some committee members planning to attend in person, we have decided to reschedule the ADD40 Committee Meeting (to be held at the ADC60 workshop on Sustainable and Resilient Infrastructure in New York) from Monday, June 16TH at 3 PM to Tuesday, June 17th, 4 pm – 5 30 [more]
See the full pageADD40 had a productive committee meeting at the TRB Annual Meeting with over forty members and friends in attendance. We will upload the material presented at the meeting to this site in the near future. For now, we have posted a few pictures from the meeting for your interest.
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Global Sustainability, Local Transportation Solutions
The Transportation and Sustainability Committee is leading TRB’s sponsorship of the Global Sustainability, Local Transportation Solutions conference in the Spring of 2015. The event will be held in either Washington, D.C. or Irvine, California. The conference is designed to draw attention to the global and international aspects of transportation and sustainability, including: problems of transportation [more]
See the full pageThis year, ADD40 is very pleased to have accepted 13 papers for presentation at TRB 2013 in the following sessions: Session 274: Emerging Tools for Transportation Sustainability: Decision-Making Platforms, Integration Approaches, Rating Systems, and Analysis Frameworks (Monday, January 14, 2013 10:15AM – 12:00PM Hilton, Columbia Hall 6) Session 357: Sustainability in Transportation (Monday, January 14, 2013 2:00PM – 3:45PM Hilton, [more]
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